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Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 10/03/2017
  • Size: 101.59 MB


  • eBooks & Reports


  • Parenting & Family

Child Safety Lockdown

Price: 14.90

See Module 6 Sales Page of this product.
Additional pages: Ty0175281, Typ1 0175281
Additional pages: Mindmap Blueprint
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    • ChildSafetyLockdown_mrr
      • Module 1 - Ebook
        • trainingguide.pdf
      • Module 10 - Support System & Legal Pages
        • Legal Documents
          • disclaimer.pdf
          • privacypolicy.pdf
          • readme.txt
          • terms.pdf
        • support
          • css
            • bootstrap-ie7.css
            • bootstrap.css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • style_ie.css
            • stylesheet.css
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            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
          • images
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            • bg2.png
            • bg3.png
            • favico.png
            • header.png
            • logo.png
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            • ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
            • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • respond.min.js
          • index.php
        • readme.txt
      • Module 11 - Professional Graphics Package
        • Flat
          • blank.jpg
          • cheatsheet.jpg
          • cover.jpg
          • dosdonts.jpg
          • mindmap.jpg
          • resources.jpg
        • Misc
          • favico.png
          • header.png
          • headerlogo.png
          • icon.png
          • insider-look-img.jpg
          • logo.png
          • table-content-img.jpg
        • Mock Ups
          • book-mock.png
          • books.png
          • cheatsheet-mock.png
          • dosdonts-mockup.png
          • mindmap-mock.png
          • resources-mock.png
      • Module 2 - Hybrid Cheat Sheet
        • cheatsheet.pdf
      • Module 3 - Do's And Do Not's Table
        • Do's And Do Not's Chart.pdf
        • dosanddonts.pdf
      • Module 4 - Resources Report
        • resources.pdf
      • Module 5 - Mindmap
        • Mindmap Blueprint.html
        • Mindmap Blueprint.jpg
        • Mindmap Blueprint.png
      • Module 6 - Sales Page
        • css
          • bootstrap.min.css
          • style.css
        • images
          • 3DCheatSheet.png
          • 3DMindMap.png
          • 3dbook.png
          • 3dchart.png
          • 3dresources.png
          • Child Safety Lockdown.jpg
          • Highlited-line.png
          • Line-1.png
          • SecureOrderForm.png
          • addtocart.png
          • blue-arrow-left.png
          • blurb-icon1.png
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          • insider-look-img.jpg
          • logo.png
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          • svideo.mp4
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          • yellow-chk-arrow.png
          • youtube.png
        • js
          • bootstrap.min.js
          • custom.js
          • jquery-1.8.2.min.js
          • jquery.js
        • index.html
      • Module 7 - Email Series
        • 1.txt
        • 2.txt
        • 3.txt
        • 4.txt
        • 5.txt
      • Module 8 - HD Sales Video
        • salesvideo.mp4
        • voiceover.mp3
      • Module 9 - Hybrid Thank You Page
        • images
          • books.png
          • favico.png
          • logo.png
        • ty0175281.html
        • typ1-0175281.html
      • desktop.ini

The world is full of never-ending dangers, but you can still keep your kids safe. Discover how to keep kids safe from the dangers of the world and prevent accidents using this up-to-date Child Safety Course!

Once upon a time, protecting your children was as simple as ensuring they were indoors by dark, brushed their teeth, and had a healthy dinner. However, the world has changed significantly over the years. Nowadays, it feels like a much scarier place than we could have imagined 15 or 20 years ago.

It seems that dangers lurk around every corner, particularly for the innocent, helpless children that we love so dearly. Keeping your kids safe is a never-ending, tireless task, yet one that you’d go to great lengths to secure for the most precious beings in your life.

From the moment you bring your children home from the hospital until the day you leave this earth, protecting them from harm is something you are committed to doing. While friends and family are always there to provide advice and guidance for child-rearing and safety, their advice may not always be accurate, up-to-date, or suitable for your parenting approach.

Since there is no definitive manual for child safety and the advice of others may not always be the best, it is up to you to ensure that you are always aware of the right ways to protect your little ones. This guide offers professional tips and advice for child safety. Whether you’re the parent of a baby, toddler, school-aged child, or teenager, the information in this course aims to keep the people you love most safe, no matter where life takes them.


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