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Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 26/04/2017
  • Size: 99.48 MB


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  • Software & Scripts


  • Marketing & Promotion

Turbo Dynamic URL

Price: 13.90

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    • TurboDynamicURL_RR
      • Can NOT Distribute.!
        • Affiliate & Social Media Boost Kit
          • Affiliate Promos
            • 1. The Only Tool That Matters For Onboarding Affiliates.doc
            • 2. Affiliate Enablement Made Easy.doc
            • 3. Finally, An Easier Way To Enable Your Bonus Page For Your Affiliates.doc
            • 4. Empower Your Bonus Page So Affiliates Can Use it in the Most Effective Way.doc
            • 5. The Fastest Path To Affiliate Success .doc
          • Articles
            • Article 01 - What Is Affiliate Marketing & Do I Need It.docx
            • Article 02 - Do You REALLY Need A Website.docx
            • Article 03 - How To Attract Affiliates.docx
            • Article 04 - Why Do Vendors Fail With Affiliate Marketing.docx
            • Article 05 - The Easiest Way to Start An Affiliate Program.docx
            • Article 06 - How To Stand Out As A Vendor.docx
            • Article 07 - Building Your Affiliate Enabled Website.docx
            • Article 08 - Do You Have What It Takes To Run An Affiliate Program.docx
            • Article 09 - Make More Money By Having Others Sell Your Products.docx
            • Article 10 - What Are The Pitfalls To Running An Affiliate Program.docx
          • Banners
            • 120x60.jpg
            • 120x600.jpg
            • 125x125.jpg
            • 160x600.jpg
            • 250x250.jpg
            • 300x250.jpg
            • 336x280.jpg
            • 468x60.jpg
            • 650x90.jpg
          • FB Posts
            • FB posts.doc
          • Tweets
            • Tweets.doc
        • Affiliate Page
          • css
            • bootstrap-ie7.css
            • bootstrap.css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • style_ie.css
          • fonts
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular (2).eot
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            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
          • images
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            • 120x600.jpg
            • 125x125.jpg
            • 160x600.jpg
            • 250x250.jpg
            • 300x250.jpg
            • 336x280.jpg
            • 468x60.jpg
            • 650x90.jpg
            • bg1.jpg
            • bg2.png
            • bg3.png
            • combobox.png
            • logo.png
          • js
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            • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • respond.min.js
          • index.html
        • Graphics
          • Book
            • Book.png
          • Box_Software
            • Box.png
            • Turbo Dynamic URL.jpg
          • CD
            • CD.png
          • Combo
            • Combo.png
          • Cover
            • Cover.png
          • DVD Box
            • DVD Box.png
        • Optin Page
          • css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • timer.css
          • fonts
            • BebasNeue.otf
            • Oswald.otf
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
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            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
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          • images
            • squeez.png
            • turbologo.png
          • js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • jquery-ui.min.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • jquery.nb2sb.js
          • index.html
        • Optin Page Email Series
          • 1 - Why Run An Affiliate Program.doc
          • 2 - How to Get On-boarding Affiliates Quickly.doc
          • 3 - Make It Easy for Your Affiliates.doc
          • 4 - Help Your Affiliates To Help Yourself.doc
          • 5 - Common Mistakes You May Have Already Made.doc
        • Promo Video
          • Turbo Dynamic URL Promo Video.mp4
        • Sales Letter
          • css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • timer.css
          • fonts
            • BebasNeue.otf
            • Oswald.otf
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
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            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
            • handsean.ttf
          • images
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            • benefit1.png
            • benefit2.png
            • benefits.png
            • benefitsbg.png
            • benefitul.png
            • downloadlist.png
            • index.html
            • introbg.png
            • letter.png
            • logo.png
            • money.png
            • moneybackbg.png
            • no.png
            • off1.png
            • off2.png
            • off3.png
            • product.png
            • read me.txt
            • rediculus.png
            • yes.png
          • js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • jquery-ui.min.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • jquery.nb2sb.js
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        • Thank You Page
          • css
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          • images
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            • turbologo.png
          • js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • jquery-ui.min.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • jquery.nb2sb.js
          • index.html
      • Product
        • Manual
          • Manual.pdf
        • Script
        • Video Tutorial
          • Video_Tutorial.mp4

Introducing the Most Effective, Fast, and Empowering Affiliate Bonus Link Generation Software on the Market, Allowing You to Boost Your Affiliates’ Efforts Like Never Before!

Many affiliate marketers struggle to earn significant money from their offers because the majority of affiliates are new to the industry. These newbies often feel self-pity and compare themselves to more experienced, tech-savvy affiliate marketers.

As a result, they may believe they are incapable of matching the success of others, especially in creating well-designed affiliate pages optimized for conversion. But what if you could help these affiliates improve their conversion rates by providing them with the same high-converting pages used by successful marketers?

All they need to do is upload their pictures and insert their unique affiliate links into the page. And just like that, they're good to go. Sounds great, right?

Though it might seem like a massive task on your part, it's no longer a challenge thanks to this amazing tool. You are about to discover a solution that addresses the challenges faced by both product owners and affiliate marketers.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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